Submarine is a 2010 British coming-of-age comedy-drama film. It was adapted from Joe Dunthorne's 2008 novel of the same name. It won the Best Independent Film Award for best screenplay at the British Independent Film Festival in 2011.
Submarine is first-person narrative about a young boy named Oliver. Oliver is a quite unique 15-year-old kid. Throughout the film we are following along with him through his point of view. The two main goals he is trying to accomplish through the film is losing his virginity before his next birthday and trying to restore their parents marriage. We are in his head following him throughout his relationship with his girlfriend, trying to be the best boyfriend, while trying to follow his mother around to see if she's cheating on his father. He tries to perfect his parents relationship and ends up being a bad boyfriend and ruining that relationship. There was a lot of comedy but there were also some sad parts as well.
As a filmmaker, I did not enjoy this film. I am not a big fan of the first-person narrative style in films. Books are ok and I can enjoy them, but not when it comes to film. It has to be done really well for me to like it. I wasn't a big fan of the storyline and how it was presented. It was too novel style, with separated parts. Each part was separated with a title page in the film, I wasn't a big fan of that. Also, there were way too many fast cuts in one scene. The fast shots help with suspense but there were just too many in this film. There were way too many pans, zooms and tilts. I just felt like it was overdone. The film had a lot of dips to color, blue and red. I don't know how I feel about them, they were alright. Something creative and different from the usual dip to black.
This film is definitely not a must see. I honestly didn't enjoy this film. Too much was going on in the film. Props on the editing for sure! The editing in this must have been crazy! Not a fan but, thats just my opinion.
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