Moonrise Kingdom is a 2012 romantic comedy-drama film directed by Wes Anderson. It was written by Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola. This film stars an ensemble cast including Bruce Willis, Bill Murray, and Edward Norton. Wes Anderson was nominated for the Palme d'Ore award at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival.
Moonrise Kingdom is about two twelve-year-olds, Sam Shakusky and Suzy Bishop. They met the previous summer at a church event and remained pen pals throughout the year. They came to know each other's life pretty well, a life they were both struggling with. Sam and Suzy both wanted to get away and be together, so they decide to run away together. They go into the forrest in search of an island cove Sam has always wanted to go to. Sam comes prepared with all of his camping material, he is a very well trained scout. Suzy brings her cat, cat food, books and a record player. When the camp and Suzy's parents find out they have escaped, they put together a search team to find them. They end up finding them camped out by a beach wearing only their underwear. Suzy's dad is furious and prohibits Suzy from seing Sam ever again. After seing how much Sam and Suzy love each other, Sam's scout friends help bring them back together to escape to the islands cove. Now, the search for them increases with the help of the main scout camp.
Moonrise Kingdom was an amazing film! The story was very original, funny and cute but, what I loved the most about this film was the way it was made. The camera work was spectacular! I was amazed just with the opening scene of the film. The film opens with Suzy's house. The camera begins in one room, pans through the house to the next room then turns to see another room and another long pan. It is all a long continuous shot inside the house with pans and turns. The camera pans then stop in a room with a fixed shot then pans again onto another room. All are fixed shots when the camera stops. I don't know if I'm explaining it correctly so go watch it so you can see how amazing the opening shot is. This is how the whole film is mostly. Long continuous shots that contain of fixed shots, pans and tilts. We rarely see close ups or any sort of variety of shots in a scene. There are a lot of long zoom outs as well throughout the film. The way they utilized the camera in this film was phenomenal. Shots had to be rehearsed very well for all of the scenes since there were so many long continuous shots. Sound design for this was amazing as well! A lot of scenes that use L cuts with music from a previous scene or a object from a previous scene. I loved the camera work in this film, espectacular!
Definitely a MUST see!! I am a lover of films that have amazing camera work and this is definitely one of them! Contains a lot of long continuous shots, which I love! It also has a great story line that is cute and funny. Great film!! Wes Anderson is definitely an amazing director.
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